just today james patterson announced that he's launching a book called jimmy patterson. we needed to cover it. we're looking for information on what publishers are doing, authors are doing. very broad spectrum. >> give me a brought understanding of what bookexpo america is? >> an annual trade show held in the left side of manhattan. it's once a year. people in the book trade, all over the worldcom together and find out and to meet and have cultural exchanges. if you were walking today, a very extensive booth from china because they are a special guest of honor. that has proven to be controversial. so that's also become news worthy. certainly something that has been interesting to keep track of. >> so being where book is coming out in the fall, twice a year, so you have online? >> yes, you can. >> you'll be able to download. it's free. you don't have to pay a single can he cent. you can prefer it on your online retailers, amazon, editions available. for convenience you might be able to see. the one we're looking at is the adult trade edition. we do for adult and childrens