. >> my name is jimmyro st. dom st. dom. >> i have watched the parish evolved and things have disappeared that had great value, buildings and all, but what we have is something we cherish and it could be a benefit to the community if it says and you continue on looking at the application as it stands, so i hope that you could do that and just continue to look at it. other buildings have been taken away and other things have been put in their place and they are functioning and doing well, so that is all i wanted to say. >> president hillis: thank you very much. >> deacon molly kohli knee neil. i have been associated with the church since 2001. just to comment on two of the ministries i oversee. in the catholichurch there are three types of clergy, the t deacon is placed in then. parish but not to be seen there but has a responsibility to the community. you are the president of the parish but you are supposed to be out in the community. i have been fortunate since 2001 to be the coordinator of o county jail ministry. we have