love to love and love to be terrified by and folk cause on interesting pop culture figures like jin ginny, the most misguided super hero. she her super power is the more gin he drinks and the more she gets drunk, the bigger earthquake she can set off at one comic commentator said, she is such a lousy super hero she is actually a villain. trying to come to an understanding of these disaster, how they function, while we feel about them the way we do, what we can do, and really how it is, again, we can kind of move forward and think about this in terms of resiliency and where we good from here. so that's kind of the book in a nutshell. i would love to answer questions or hear youric earthquake stories if you have them or any natural disasters, they're my very favorite thing to talk about. thank you all so much for coming. [applause] >> well, thank you. >> before i forget we have this tradition. we give you a mug -- i just want to warn you it was created with slate from georgia, and i hope that the extraction of the clay did not cause a seismic event buttite at your own risk. >> thank you. >>