senate intelligence committee held hearings on jinnah hospital who has presidential nominee to be the new cia director questions focused on her links to me agency's controversial and hance interrogation program which is widely seen as torture on cheese but i've got to have has commentary. trump's really pushing gina haskell is the perfect candidate strong really strong smart tough and with thirty years of judy behind so why all the hate one highly respected nominee for cia director gina her support has come under for because she was too tough on terrorists tough and terrorists meaning she ran a secret cia detention said she was under reportedly tortured prisoners by the way the videotapes which allegedly documented some of the most horrific tortures were destroyed by the cia committed a crime when she destroyed these tapes that crime at the very least is obstruction of justice the crime also is to classify a crime it's actually illegal in the united states to classify something just because it's embarrassing or because it's a crime that's what she should be answering to why did she de