but as jiro's footage shows, many of the items are not r sale. narrator: the department store is regularly featured on state tv, which tells its people they live in the best country on earth. one of the regime's senior and is now living in the south. (translated): as well as a physical dictatorship, they oppress people with an emotional dictatorship. in norea, they promote the leader to be the sun. if you go too close, you burn. if you go too far,u freeze to d. you think of him as incredibly god-like. we thought he didn't even go to the toilet. narrator: north koreans can'escape the omnipresent propaganda. kim jong un's speeches are pumped from speakers on street corners. (speech playing) narrator: this one was on a loop for three months, promising his people a bright economic future. (music playi narrator: since the north and the south split in the late 1940s, hatred of america has been central to north koan indoctrination. this government video shows a north kore dreaming of new york city being destroyed by a missile attack. the average north k