they do not believe in a two state solution that's out of the question they never did not even uh jisak rabin ever believed in it, even when he signed the oslaw court with with arafat and shimon perez and bill clinton in the white house, so therefore i just see that bahem netanyahu is gonna try to find a way to continue and end his government as far as he can take it and do as much damage as he can in the in the gaza strip, well one of the places that the damage is happening uh if you want to call it call it that in terms of the word being used damage here, which is lot more than that is is what's happening in the occupied west bank, and larry johnson, you mentioned the fact that the difference uh being between the occupied west bank and the gaza strip is that you have the regime forces there that are bombing the gaza strip via air, this is something that's now happening in the west bank uh based on the un human rights office there's a sharp increase in air strikes and military incursions which we know in terms of the refugee camps um and also the abductions 6200 um is what we have based on h