i mean, look, in 2000 and 2008, jn mccain and george w. bush both got the same percentage of white voters. one won in a landslide in 2000, the other lost by seven. that's the changing democrat graphic nature of our state and of our country. so if you want to win in the swing states you need to attract swing voters. and if you want to win in the country you have to do that. so i think there needs to be a concerted 24/7 effort, not just to do it when you come down to miami, there ought to be an effort in north carolina, efforts in new mexico, nevada, the swing -- the growing populations in all of the swing states are hispanic voters. and the tone of the campaign talking about border security, which is a significant issue. if you just focus on that alone and not talk about economic opportunity, overregulation of small businesses, education reform to give people opportunities, a tip of the hat of the patriotic and aspirational nature of all the hispanic communities to connect personally, if you don't do any of that you're not saying welcome to