i am jo jackson and president of the african-american dem club and some other offices and i'm a district 10 resident and homeowner. i won't preach to the choir. you're away of the violence and we're too great a city to have this continue. i think the task force is a great idea. i fully support it. i even offer myself to participate. the thing that we need to do though is address causes not just reactions. if we could culturally make people -- society competent, proficient and sensitive of the wonderful diversity that we have all human lives matter and until we take up the root that there are predatory practices that are encouraging a nilation of generations and certain groups of people economic and race or ethnicity we need to address that so i fully support the task force. i think it's a great idea. definitely i would like to participate and please include cultural competency. it's vital that the police are trained that we ourselves are trained to know that me as a black woman that i have value. it's very hard when you're being taught everyday from the moment i was born that i am differ