jo watkins, richard and britney, thank you for your time. >> ahead, why we should all be propolice. >>> before we go i want to share this final thought. i began the programme speaking with a cofounder of "black lives matter," focussing its energy on highlighting bad policing. she made a strong point. we cannot and should not stand for police that kill unarmed black kids. i will continue to shine a light on bad police, negligent police chiefs that enable them and governments that protect them. police must be held to the highest of standard. i'm not antipolice. the media are not antipolice. you cannot be procivilisation and antipolice. as citizens, we pay for and deserve good police. that's what we get from most of the more than 6,000 law enforce. in this country, they are good at what they do, and respect the law and the public. unlike most of us, they leave their homes with a chance they may not return at the end of their shift. 3 moneys local, county state and federal officers responded to the scene of mass murder. and minutes after the first shots are fired. they got the wounded, th