since our last commission meeting we have had several meetings with jordan klein and joacqim torres and other staff and wed about the integration of the small business development center. and so joacqim and i last week met with the director of real estate to talk about space. and we're starting to look at what the organizational integration is -- how it's going to be and how it's going to take place? we have different ideas going. we do think that likelihood still to be developed, but we're targeting a direction that osb will be the entry point for those looking for those services. and then just some follow-up in terms of the retreat. that we are targeting for end of april in terms of a proposed sort of master plan through the discussion that the commission had at the retreat. ratification of the changes to the rules of order. and then to just let you know that in terms of the staffing replacement status -- it's going slowly, but it is going. we're at the place that testing should be done in the next couple of weeks. moving on to the formula retail study, there will be an update and wor