joining on our first panel is joan clifford, immediate past present of the nurses organization of veteran affairs. dr. samuel spagnola. the president of veteran affairs physician assistant association. jeff morris, the director of communications and external affairs for the american board of physician specialties. and dr. nicol salvo from the american podiatric medical association. miss clifford. we allow everybody five minutes. so should be a little light there when it goes red. that means you're up. thanks. >> hi. thank you. chairman, ranking member, and members of the sub committee, on behalf of the nearly 3,000 members of the nurses organization of veteran affairs, i would like to thank you for the opportunity to testify on today's important and timely subject, va staffing. as the department of veterans affairs undergoes system wide reorganization to include many challenges of implementing the veterans access choice and accountability act, staffing must be at the forefront of the evaluation. i'm deputy nurse executive at the va boston health care system and i'm here as the immediate p