charlie warzel chaarzel joan donovan technology and social change research project charlie, let me start with you. be streamed live,e or torture unfortunately, in our modern diera. what waferent about this is in my mind, t premeditated nature and sort of rather meticulous planning that wnt into setting up, you know, a couple of twitter accountses that were crated earlier this month to show pictures of some of the weapons that the shooter used, some of the body armor, to set up links to this manifesto, to a couplef other documents. so there's this, you know, this idea of not only is this attgoak g to be live streamed, but there's going to be a trail for people to follow. the things inside that are goinn to be sort oneered to sew discord to start fights, to provoke, and to get the media, obviously-- as we are all doing-- to pick up on this. >> sreenivasan: joan, whkin is kind of engineering, asnd charlie mentioned, how do we stop the spread of this?yo called yesterday for-- the phrase i think is strategic silence. how do we do that? >> yeah, so my research really centers on the ways in whi