the general is joan dubin visited one son to the board tree was very safe. the ways the stores and basically they were sent to trials on, on suspension, launched an investigation shortly. all to the u. s. government once again denied it to the board res existed in ukraine. on march, the 10th 2022 pentagon press secretary, john chubby made a special statement on the matter. not developing bio logical or chemical weapons inside ukraine is not avenue. now people are starting to realize how disingenuous and untruthful the united states has been with a lot of these vile biological labs that have been in ukraine. they've been getting a lot of coverage there is. now i do have one, i would this account. there was a laboratory, a biological laboratories, maybe a car to you've. you remember i told you that i have a whistle blower in car keys. and this whistle blower is the one that gave me a bunch of documents. it's interesting that he sends me this document here, institute of veterinary medicine of the national academy area. the academy of agrarian sciences, donor de