. -- joan freedland from the national immigration law center. i appreciate the report. the report makes good recommendations about substantial changes that should take place in the program, as have all the previous programs. i am wondering whether all evidence you have from ice will make the serious changes in the program to be required, particularly as to look at the community's expanding at a record pace? thank you. >> that is probably the most typical question that you could ask, but i would say we look for evidence of changes because of the 2009 program performs, that were done part in response to those earlier critical reports. at the operational and data collection level they did do something. they have comprehensive case management system that people appear to be using. they do we have fairly tight supervision in the jurisdictions we went to. however, shifting the program direction away from the state and local politically-led priorities is going to be more difficult. that is where the real action is. that is where the rubber meets the road. we do not know how th