there are many wonderful editions including by joan hedrick, came out with a first edition, the norton edition. it's great to have joan here, by the way. i, the edition that katherine mentioned was called the splendid edition because it had 117 illustrations by billings who had done seven ill streges in the initial -- illustrations in the original edition. and what's really neat about these is that they're not caricatured representations. so many of the later editions of "uncle tom's cabin" that came out, particularly during the jim crow era, really are stereotypical in their representations of many of the characters. and i will guarantee you that what's great about the splendid edition is that, um, we'd hoped to have it here today, by the way, but the printer just messed up at the last minute. they'll be here very, very soon. what's great is that, you know, he really captured the essence. it was true in the first edition and in the splendid edition in which there are 117, it's even more true because he really captured the essence of the story. and i see my other book, my other new boo