very good at signing the delivery of -- assigning the delivery of bad news and that's something joan lander to do, too. what good is it to have people if they're not going to tell your bad news for youing, right? >> host: a positive way to spin it. want to talk about the connection to chicago you. wrote an article about ray kroc's chicago. so i wanted to have you highlight a few of the significant landmarks here if you remember them. 515 east fairview in arlington heights. >> guest: where he and etheled a their first home when they first were able to buy a home after his years of toiling. >> host: the salwacker build snag where ray has hit first office, prince sassle sales, and then when he took over mcdonald's corporation and they kept getting more and more office space there. >> host: the white hall hotel. >> guest: that is where ray went -- when joan kicked him out of the house once and in between his marriages, it was a place where he hung out and drank and drank and drank. >> host: quite a lot. >> guest: early times was his beverage of choice. >> yeah. >> 1242 north lake shore. >> gues