[applause] sister joan marie steadman has rallied to help take on climate. thank you for your leadership. [applause] she has a pretty important guy on her side as pope francis made clear this summer. taking a stand against climate change as a moral obligation, sister steadman is living up to that obligation every single day. let's be clear, there will be critics of what we're trying to do. there will be cynics that say it cannot be done. long before the details of this clean power plan were even decided, the special interests and their allies in congress were already mobilizing to oppose it with everything they've got. they will claim that this plan will cost you money even though this plan, the analysis shows will ultimately save the average american nearly $85 a year on their energy bills. they'll claim we need to slash our investment in clean energy, it's a waste of money. even though they're happy to spend billions of dollars a year in subsidizing oil company. they'll claim this plan will kill jobs, even though our transition to a cleaner energy economy