it's been a pleasure to work with staff at mod and partners in goals, not crime, is joana ferguli, we have been the ying and the yang in program access. to build the ada transition plan in that project took a lot of work but it also took a lot of help and assistance from the council. it was critical for the council to tell us the decisions, what was important and how was it going and what were we achieving from year to year and it is with your support with how we got the funds to do the projects. we had some set backs during the economic crisis, it cost a bit of a delay but also gave us an opportunity to get more funds and more projects. in this we have a lot of projects under construction. as you may know the office has advertised to replace a position for me, they advertised the deputy director of position. i as the king of toilets will pass that mantle on to that person when they come because we have many toilets under construction right now. so i look forward to helping that transition and that person coming on board. staff, i love you all, councilmembers, it's been great to work