. >> clerk: 30, appointing joanna powell, to the children youth and families oversight and advisory committee president cohen: all right, colleagues. this is for appointment to seat number 11. there are currently four vacancies. supervisor kim. >> supervisor kim: thank you, i just had a question on this candidate, and only brought up to me today. apologies for not bringing it up sooner. my understanding they serve on the board of one of the charter schools and i had questions about this candidate. i'm not sure anyone can answer the questions, i would like to make a motion to continue while i learn more about this candidate. >> president cohen: supervisor kim has made a motion to continue this item. supervisor peskin seconded this motion. supervisor yee. >> supervisor yee: so, i guess went through the rules committee and i think we vetted and we asked about the fact that she was on the board of a charter school, so, is there a simple question, maybe i can answer? >> sure, as you know, supervisor yee, we served on the school board together, i support charter schools but not as a broad category.