i feel like a lot of people dueled, i think you have looked in to it and read about it in joanne freeman's book, for example, you can find out about the duel ing culture. and people have families and up bringing and all of the things that people have. i am interested in what made him the dynamic force that was not like everyone else was if you know what i mean. i am looking specifically at what i call, and i'm not alone in calling it this, the great creative phenom enon that occurred. 1782-1795. you can date it differently, i will just pick that period and say, something happened there, where of course, with all of the things that went in to his life before he arrived in the continental congress. he brought all that baggage and all that inspiration and everything that made him. but something happened there that was different from what everyone else was doing. things that he saw that others, he was not alone in this, but things that he saw that others did not necessarily see. dreeps that he. visions that he. that others did not necessarily have. and some were very much opposed to. he saw al