so a wonderful book on this topic by joanne freeman as a historian at yale called the field of blood. and freeman went back through newspapers through contemporary legal accounts, and discovered dozens of episode of of legislative violence. member on member threats, on during the 18 late 1830s 1840s, 1850s in the run up to the civil war. and, you know, think of what's going on more broadly in american history during this period. we have struggles intra regional struggles over slavery. we have significant aspects of party realignment and realignment. the demise of the whig party and the congressman graves, his former party, its replacement initially by this nativist party called the no nothing party, and then eventually by the republican party in the late. 1850s and the the spreading of the slavery issue more broadly onto the national scale with the dred scott decision of 1857, in which the supreme court, in one of its probably three most infamous decisions, holding that under the constitution, a slaves should be considered as property and therefore didn't even have standing to to brin