. >> here is a question from a woman named joanne lamarkka. >> oh. where is she from?g? >> she's from jersey. her town. >> inside this toilet there are two aspects to worry about. this is the fill valve and this is the flush valve, the flapper. your water in your toilet is leaking because of two things. the water level in this little pipe here, the water is too high. this is the overflow. so it will constantly be running. you can adjust it by this screw that's right in here to lower the water level, bring it down in the tank. >> with a screwdriver? >> with a screwdriver. this is a flush valve. this flapper, if it is not sealed properly, water can leak inside here. you can replace this for five bucks. so easy. it comes off real quickly, put the new chain on, put this on -- joanne lamarkka's toilet in montclair, new jersey won't leak. >> everything we do is home cooking around here. >> here is something for ginger moffett. what is the best way to paint old paneling walls? >> so i like this look. a lot of people don't. but this is a primer that you have to put on first in