b, approve an award contract, joc 43 for a not to exceed amount of 5 million to the lowest qualified responsible and responsive bidder synergy project management incorporated. c, approve modification no. 4 to contract ww 5 14 r with nkk construction corporation, completion of contract duration by 120 consecutive calendar days with no change to the contract amount. d, accept work performed by precision engineering incorporated for contract ww 455, approve modification no. 3, increasing the contract by $186,113, with a time extension of 42 consecutive calendar days [speaker not understood]. e, authorize the general manager to [speaker not understood] a revocable grant with mahakari for the use of sfpc land at 1155 junipero boulevard, san francisco, california at a use of $500 per month. f, authorize the john bradivctionv manager to execute a joint funding agreement with the u.s. geological survey for an amount not to exceed $335,5 20 and with the duration of one year. g, authorize -- approve and authorize the general manager to execute amendment number 1 to extend the term of the memor