jocc, what is the job opportunity contract fee? you pay these people to do this work, but there is a 5% fee on these projects. we are also paying another 10% contingency on top of our contingency. i can understand you are going to find problems. there are a lot of little things like this that are unclear about how this is supposed to work. this is neither cheap, easy, nor quick. there are issues about how our money is being spent and we have no way to check into it, no way of accounting for it. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else that would like to make public comment on this item? being none, public comment is closed. >> move to approve. seconds. >> all those in favor indicate by saying aye. opposed? hearing none, it is unanimous. >> we are on item number eight. marina green kiosk request for proposal. good morning, commissioners. for the department, what is before you is an rfp that the department would like to put out soliciting an operator for the marina green kiosk. the kiosk was built in 1938. it serves snacks and light ref