. >> i'm jocelyn scally. and i live directly across the street from 95 nordoff street. some time ago we were able to see a presentation for what their original design was for this piece of property, and that was nice. there was going to be two homes on nordoff street, and then there was going to be two homes facing stillings. so that worked out well. it took away the...this new design has too much density, too much weight on it. where the other two divided it up. there were two facing nordoff street and two homes facing stillings. and right now presently on the street, it is one block long, and there is just so much traffic. and if you have all of those homes facing that street, it is just going to be an overload and severe traffic congestion and related vehicle problems. so i'm urging you to consider not this layout, but maybe revert back to the proposal of the two homes on nordoff street and an additional home on stillings or maybe two on stillings. >> chairman: okay. thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm carolyn flagg. i live on the other house directly across