and i'm sure that matter will be investigated and you might recall, christi, us speaking about jodi ariasally could have been a planted juror, however you like to call it, who held out and said i'm not voting for death and here we go again in another case. however, that juror that we just saw questioned there, i believe juror 17, felt, in a follow-up question, that the person who voted and said, listen, there's no way i'm going with death, she felt, at least from her perspective, that it was genuine and sincerely held belief that, in fact, it was just this -- that that is not the way they could go. let's not also forget that although mental illness did not work in terms of the defense to find him insane, it could have very well worked here where it could have been a mitigating factor for that juror to say, jur juror, there is mental illness here. the supreme court has weighed in on that issue and found it cruel and unusual. who knows again if they did pronounce death, that is this jury, whether or not he actually would have gotten the death penalty in the years to come based on the appeal