jo jodi fleisher has me on the law and a gap that congress has to >>fix.ledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america. >> reporter: it's an oath celebratingme whatcans cherish. but the part about liberty and justice for all? >> it's ustrating. >> reporter: at age 25, joy found out she wasn't an american citizen, because her american parents failed to fill out the ight form, even though her adoption was legal. >> it's devastating. it's hard to wrapou your head that. to live your entire life believing concret truths about who you are. >> reporter: now, the truths are in jeopardy, alon o with ten thousands of other legal adoptees, like this virginia man. >> i just felt there wasn't an american, philippine, or other culture. i just was a kid. >> reporter: he's 61 years old, marriedo an american woman with three american children. > in my own american righteousness, i was like, this is an easy fix. this is ridiculous. >> reporter: when congress fixed it in 2000, the new law granted automatic citizenship to adoptees under the age 18, leaving out t