(jodi lockwood, dubuque) "there were very graphic scenes, a graphic rape. there's just kind of off the hook drug and alcohol use." locw those concerns to the district--she brought forward a reconsideration request. now this panel will review the book and decide whether it's appropriate for the classroom. "i hope it doesn't feel like, oh book banner! i've got my mob and torches out, i don't want it to be that way. i want it to be a discussion about, is this the unintentionally, some students?" senior kayley weiland is one of three students on the panel. (kayley weiland, dubuque hempstead senior) "i think bring not only parents and teachers in it, but to bring students, and have students perspective on things, because we're the ones going through school." she read the book in eighth grade, and will read it again as a committee member. "i don't think anything stuck out to me, but then again, it was so long ago that i read it. but i'm again with an open mind." there are four options this committee will have. they can take no action, remove the book completely,