my colleague and i are going to do a bit of a dog and pony show to highlight each library in the jodi maggio -- joseph maggio -- the playground. let me begin with the outcomes. the north beach library are nonetheless to be renovated for our improvement program. the branch, which was built in 1959 is no longer effective or adequate in meeting the needs of a very diverse neighborhood. it does not meet current building codes. it is seismically unsafe. it is not accessible and does not provide the space to meet community needs. north beach neighborhood is one of the most dense neighborhoods in the city and is also identified as a high needs area with the needs of additional open space in the city's general plan. recognizing both the library and the park are essential service amenities to the north beach neighborhood, the library and the recreation and park department entered into a master planning process in 2008 in order to achieve a set of goals to improve the site for the entire community. the master plan will provide for a new library to meet the needs of a diverse north beach community for