as jody sanchez was not allowed to speak to journalists i left the studio and went to meet his wife. he. made me sad oh it's kind of on what face a. scene and if he had again a yes or no from princess pony bedo if he is a lesson to her who thought yes a second i do seem ok here is that interesting fortunately they asked what do you think. they're bracing for a single purpose. of a super. face dog training very young. eight months of intensive school. rats. and they save lives. several reserve bank the european central bank the bank of england the bank of japan they are fifty sixty seventy percent leveraged much more leverage than long term capital management ever was much more leverage than lehman brothers or bear stearns ever was there the most leverage hedge funds that we've ever seen in the history and hedge fund skullduggery but it doesn't matter because they can print and buy back their own debt in an instant cycle profitless prosperity and then one day like wiley coyote over the cliff chasing the road runner there's that moment of recognition and then. smoke. them in their mug