jodi schneider with the latest. for more, we speak to hold bush meeting. -- this is trying to get into the psychology of haruhiko kuroda. into negative we had an interview with him about five days before where he told us negative rates -- before he spoke to us, he spoke to parliament, saying we aren't thinking about it. is this a central bank or not only doesn't want to be dictated to, the chooses to suppress the market as a weapon? >> it certainly looks a bit like that. he doesn't mind suppressing the market, but he deliberately chooses it as a weapon, discussions going on in the background that we don't know. indeed,y can't say, but she does not seem to be hearing very much about the market, deterring the public. as you could say, to some extent, he is not using one of the tools for central banks; namely, that is to get some confidence in central bank action, and with confidence to inspire them spending decisions. by creating some confusion, i don't inc. he is helping. francine: let me push back against t