what small businesses have to do and what they should do to be competive in this marketplace is joe applebaum comeme a president of potomac companies. >> thahanks for having me.e. potomacompanies is not faith -- an organizatition tt help companiess support the future quest of health care. it is difficult. >> the l has changed so many times since it passesed. what is the cucurrent requiremen who s torovide health care coverage and who is off the hook for now? >> the mandate has employe or individuals requiring to have coverage.. sunday is the last d d foror ope enrorollme. everyone at the e country mustst have coverage. >> video goingng viral from buzz feed whapresident obama does when he is home athe ite house is vy funny. himesperately tryinto reach this youngnger audience, emphphasizing they've got to geget their health care coverage. at do small businesses need to knowow? >> s small businesses are not required if you're under 50 employeeto have coverage. >> hopefully they are live. >> would hopope they are alive. there e is an unspoken rule, if you ar an employer, you're trtryingo attract