. >> my favorite story comes from joe bartlett who was a page in the mid to late '40s. he told stories of the pages would be the first one in the capitol to go to school. so they would turn the lights on in the hallways in the basement of the capitol. at the time, it was damp there and nobody had been there overnight so they were the first ones there in the morning and got to turn the lights on and see the rats scatter. it got to a point where they had to put a page in charge of catching rats, to get rid of the rats. and he was paid by the rat, every rat he got. so they noticed after a while, he was catching lots and lots of rats and making lots and lots of money yet the population of rats was still going up and nobody could figure out what was going on until they realized he was breeding rats. so talk about mischv chif on capitol hill. on the more serious side, some of the stories that are my favorites are -- let me take a step back. typically in the spring, the president and first lady would host pages at the white house for lunch and a movie. for many, many years. an