. -- joe bidenon will be there on friday. there's tons of money being spent on both sides on television. this is clearly a short list of states where both sides are going all out to the bitter end. on october 20, trump won by 22,700 48 votes, the third time in the past five presidential elections that this was decided by less than a percentage points. the key to his victory was thoseg noncollege whites, without four-year degrees, by close to 20 points over clinton according to some post election estimates, this is more than half of the states electorate. do they turn out again? do they vote for the president? president has not had the margin with that group in the polling that he had in the election against hillary clinton. that does not mean he won't win by the same amount, but we have not seen it in the polling. this is an important group of voters. if you look at the top six or seven battleground states, white voters who do not have a college degree, those blue-collar white voters that we read about all the time have a lar