joe boardman. thank you. welcome and you are recognized. >> thank you, mr. chairman, mr. cummings, members. i appreciate being here today. and joyce, i'll be on your board so the questions will come from me for the future for o.l.i., but i'm glad that you are there-durable' bring the energy to a very important problem of safety for railroads. i appreciate the work you have done here. angela cody, sitting over in the corner, mr. chairman, who is the one who wrote that article, and i have already blamed her for this hearing this morning, she's already asked me for another interview, and i understand now no good deed goes unpunished in this process. what aid like to really start with and talk about this morning is that i have been an amtrak customer as a state commissioner of transportation and even before that and i was thinking about this in my own company, i used amtrak as the backbone of what we provided in transportation to the social service agencies where we had contracts, because part of the high cost for social service agencies was to transport especially a long dis