joe bob briggs. >> obviously joe bob briggs died...ú >> that's pretty close to a profile. >> ...had toescribe that as anything other than a profile. >> well, it's a profile of somebody that doesn't actually exist. >> right. >> because joe bob briggs was an alter ego of... >> i think a lot of people even today don't really know joe bob briggs. he doesn't seem to be... >> right. >> ...a character that people are aware of today, but of course... >> no, no. but he was for a while in dallas. >> huge, right, yeah. >> oh... >> drive-in movie theater critics, grapevine, texas. >> that's right. he, he gavv movies, he would list of what was in the movies, like six breasts, three dead breasts, you know, that sort of thing. [laughter] a lot of chop saki. &-stuff like that.tinggdogs, >> now, that's film criticism right ttere. >> yeah, that's right. >> well, let me, let me ask you about one or two things in the book to begin. sissy farenthold... >> right. >> a piece that i, i was so happy to rediscover. >> right. >> this piece was written...i read it of course many years after it happy to rrread it