right now first alert traffic with joe brennbn. >> looks like a good ride for the most part. a couple of ramp closures slowing it down. everybody heading into downtown miami. no exit southbound 95 to westbound dolphin because of a crash. you can see the ramp is closed, a lot of work going on further on the ramp way closer to the dolphin itself because of the accident everything shut down. northbound 95 exiting to commercial boulevard is a no go because of an accident blocking the entire road. >> if you were going to be anywhere near downtown miami in the next couple of days, you're probably going to hear some really loud music, really loud bass going on. that can only mean one thing. that's the ultra music festival >> while festival goers party it up, the rest of miami faces a big change. nbc 6 reporter deaf any bertini has more from downtown miami. >> reporter: preparations under way for that annual electronic dance music eventocals can tell you all about. >> it's going to be hectic. >> the ultra music festival is expected to bring in tens of thousands of people each day. so