well, let's discuss this live now with fiscal, unless on a central bruno son, joe, thanks very much for joining us today. i'm 1st of all, i was wondering how do you think the us intelligence assessment tallies with the claims of some western leaders including the, the french presence of mind. one micron the russia could attack nature? well, i think we've got a technical issue with with alice under alejandro. can you hear me? i can hear you now. great, and i'll just repeat the 1st question. i'll just wondered, how does the us intelligence assessment finally with the claims of some western leaders, including i'm on with my crohn. russia could talk to nato. well, let's do your opinions and my name a drone. um, i think i might do very well to watch the movie napoleon um, to remind themselves what happens when you are up in armies or continental to try to threaten russia. but my tongue has been leading this chorus now, and it's very interesting because nato has been expanding and this has been touted as a great thing. however, nobody seems to have predicted that when you expand in organizati