of waco, until the unthinkable happened. >> 1985, joe bryan was the principal of the local high school wait to get to work every day. >> his wife, miki bryan, taught fourth grade at the local elementary school. >> miki was the salt of the earth. a very practical, very depe dependable, what she said, you could write it in the bible. >> they were very devoted to each other. >> we cooked together. we washed and cleaned the cars together. we did the yard work together. we walked every day. >> reporter: joe went to a principal's conference in austin, texas, 120 miles away. miki stayed home. do you remember the last thing you ever said to her? >> yeah. i told her, i said, "i love you, i'll see you tomorrow." she said, "i love you too, i'll see you tomorrow." it didn't happen. >> next morning, i probably got to school about 7:15 or so. her door's closed. a few minutes later i look. still, her room is not open. the other three teachers, all three of us were together, and we said, this is not right, she's always here by 7:00, always. >> reporter: miki's fellow teachers soon heard the magic news