as reverend joe calwell comes for the closing prayer let me thank the mayor and as reverend jackson said calling the family together. i will remind you we all have a role to play and if you're part of the faith community the mayor is asking to you join and if you're a part of the city family or other groups the mayor is asking to you join. thank you again for preventing violence on our streets. reverend. >> both jewish and . let us pr mighty god we come praying your blessings upon our city leaders. we pray they have wisdom to solve pressing problems, the heart to do so much with compassion, and the moral courage to do what is right regardless of personal sacrifice. lord, we pray for our faith leaders. give them the ability to cooperate toward the common good of our city without compromising the personal convictions that make them who they are. father, we pray for victims of violence in our city that you would provide comfort in the midst of their morning and lord we pray also for the perpetrators that lord you would provide transformation and redemption that truly solves this problem. fa