we have some wild bohemian parties where we would listen to rock musicians like jimi hendrix, joe cockerles. it was a mix of music. music was music. the money aspect did not come into play at that point. >> tell us about the album. what inspired it? >> well, this is kind of an american album, really, in the sense that it is a slice of many different genres. it is jazz, blues, soul. there are some pop aspects. it is a whole mix of things. thankfully, with the help of the producer, i was able to sort of corral that and make sense of it. i think the album plays from beginning to end very much as a whole. >> what role does touring and getting out in public to not only talk about the music but to play the music, how important is that currently in the way that music is made available? >> well, i think that live performance is on the rise. that is how musicians really reach their audience. this is in addition to the fast digital world that now represents perhaps a lot more than the hard cds we were talking about earlier, the hardcopy, the digital copy. there is a huge amount of sales. >> we hav