to hide and the what i'm hearing the behavior of the city of columbus georgia and the joe columbus police department in this judge it simply is remarkable to me why they're acting this way and again like i said a few minutes ago is there it would word come down did they were they there are they doing this on their own or are they are they being given marching orders and the slated the latest robe revelation that kaitlyn shared with us about this eighteen month ban. well i mean if it were me i'd be i might be hiring an attorney was banned for why for what did i do wrong to keep me from this from was it the city of columbus or the state of georgia for eighteen months that this is it's it's crazy i've never heard of anything like this ok lisa you know to colombia is ok i mean i'm used to hearing and we summer i'm used to hearing things about the the former soviet republic of georgia and how they treat journalist but not from the georgia in the united states we said i mean either you you're doing something very right right now and because you're putting a spotlight on this really ghastly school and ther