>> joe dalton with san francisco travel. the region can accommodate this. we are making sure it is a regional benefit. the businesss in san francisco will benefit and we will see job creation and tax generation but also we will see it down the peninsula and throughout the region, as daniel said. we can accommodate it, we have accommodated events before. the super bowl last time was in stanford away and san francisco was the host and regional event. we are looking forward to it and the benefit this region will get from hosting the super bowl. >> the nfl will have the super bowl at meadowlands, outside new york -- how far santa clara is. could be the first snowy super bowl. is there any concern about the nfl, the fact in february we could have horrible rain or beautiful sunshine about the weather? >> i have looked ahead. it is supposed to be sunny that day. we are excited to put that in the bid package. my mom reminds me my birthday is february 4th, all grown up. we had all of my parties in the glorious sun so i think we are in good shape. we meet the nfl req