another example, captain joe dawson, texan, who had seen combat earlier in the war. this is his first company command. he was a 30-year-old geologist who had worked in the oil business, the son of a prominent baptist minister from texas and a graduate of baylor university, and he feels he has to prove himself to his men. he is taking over from the guy who was a really popular leader, who took over from e company. spalding is determined to lead by example. he comes in 20 minutes after -- excuse me. dawson. he comes in 20 minutes after spalding and his group, and he starts to make his way up. he takes out a machine gun nest himself with grenades. and he leads them to where you see right there, where you have a prominent church steeple. his unit ends up fighting bitterly the rest of that day and night. the tragic thing about dawson's company, they took about 16 casualties getting off the beach. most were lightly wounded. the heaviest casualties were late in the day because of the poor coordination communications wise between the army and the navy. the navy had preplanne