s and joe devito. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> would you choose cruz?elope cruz that is as the sexiest woman alive. >> do we have to cover that? >> she got it for being beautiful, mysterious and more importantly, alive. cruz joins the past winners. they say sexiest woman alive. the alive part is weird to me. why do they have to say alive? it makes me think of dead hot people. you don't want to answer that, do you? >> everything makes you think of dead hot people. >> it is true. >> maybe i will never get invited back again. my my girl friend, partner, hopefully wife to be turns 62 today. 62 has never looked so good. >> good for you. you scored some points. >> happy birthday. >> hi, hi. >> seeing you soon. liz, what do you make of the choice? >> it is fine. whatever. i don't really care. i actually think they should have an older -- i am holder than penelope with helen miren and julie christie. >> joanne, do you agree with the choice? >> i just don't think what the point is. these women don't need the confidence boost. they just want to see photos of scan