joe devito owes beard with my pitch fork.eart almost as must have as the lake of fire. and he makes more points than a pentagram and with "red eye" was so funny i forgot i live in a world that feeds off human suffering. they love "red eye." and look at this message from a long-time viewer, demon dog. >> he loves our show. he is taking a bath. andy, what do you think? do you think -- are you up at that hour? >> i am. that's one of the reasons i am up at that hour. if you stay up until the sun comes up, you are safe. >> it is a church service. >> i like any church that plans their services around level of demon activity. >> i guess you have to know when you move in next to a church. >> maybe you can move around with time zones and the demons are active in those hours. you can make an effort. if you are next to a church you will have more foot traffic. >> i didn't know demon appreciated this show. that's why andy introduces me in that way. do we have the video? back to you, old scratch. back to you, father of lies. back to you,