i would suggest in the future maybe with the cities and likes of scott and joe duffy here, maybe there should be a lot more collaboration between different departments, the fire department and health department, where there mob a moderator that we can talk to and say can we get something resolved here? because there was a lot of stuff flying around. we didn't think we were out of line in what we did. thank you. >> sir, your fire occurred when? >> sorry? >> your fire? >> the fire? it occurred in -- >> when did it occur? >> september of 2008. >> and eight. and then when you -- you indicated that two members of the planning department came by, what was that time period? >> that was in 2010. i'm not sure what time. can i check with my wife please? >> sure. i kind of give you the time. it took us 5 1/2 months to get the permit. we had the fire in the middle of september of 2008 and it took us three months due to the construction, which brought us into june of 2009. a nsh who w.h.o. complained about everything forever. she filed a larger complaint. we had not even thought this was an issue a