. >> joe duffy, d.b.i. permit application here to a responsible response correction. to show conditions and obtain geotech letters based on the original structural drawings referencing the building permit. the permit was filed on the 22 nd of september, 2017. it was issued on the 17th of august, 2018. it did go through d.b.i. intake. the building plan check by an engineer, richard tam. and it was then signed off. was issued on the 17th of august and signed off on the 20 th of august and subsequently suspended because of the appeal on the 7th of september, 2018. the correction notice that was referenced on the building permit was issued on 9617. and it said file for and obtain a building permit inclusive of a geotech review letter to document the structural integrity of the building. it must make reference to as built conditions on the original building permits and in 2004. so that was complied with on the correction notice. then there was some sort of a delay. me beat with comments and on -- than they noticed issue of violation. you have not provided the requested mat