representing yourself as joe foreclosure as one thing. you're joe deadbeat dad is entirely something else. this debt ceiling battle is about the fact if we don't raise the debt ceiling, america will be unable to meet her financial obligations. joe walsh doesn't believe it will happen. at least not anywhere or on or near tuesday. >> we are so obsessed with august 2nd. i think what's important is that we get this right. the administration has been trying to scare folks into this notion of default. >> you're okay with a potential default on august 2nd? you would let that date pass? >> default is not an option. the administration knows more people in your profession should know that. we've got plenty of government revenues in the month of august to service our debt. default isn't even on the table. i'm not obsessed with august 2nd. truthfully. >> joe walsh is not so obsessed with august 2nd. earlier tonight he was one of 22 republicans who voted against the republican's own debt ceiling bill. part of the reason joe walsh might think nothing h