helicopters, they had landings -- hopefully you remember that this is covered well in -- from joe galloway, the news correspondent, in the movie. but that little american force fought that big north vietnamese force. the numbers are always iffy in vietnam. it depends on how you look at the battles, how much you believe the body count, things like that. it is ok to estimate. the enemy lost about 2000 in that battle, we lost about 250. it was indicated to west moreland that is tactics, once fully implemented, would cost the bad guys, the viet cong, so much that if he replicated the valley a couple of times, they would give up. the butcher's bill would be so high, that the north vietnamese would give up. in 1967, that was the year to test it. 1966, they were bringing in american forces and by 1967, the efforts after was built. -- the infrastructure was built. it was time to search and destroy and make this a one-year war. and it would wind up causing them to end the war. the war in 1967, had been broken down into four separate wars. up here, the northern part of south vietnam, along here we h